not to be clips for they refused to come off when I gently tugged at them. The nurse immediately put her hand on mine.

"What sort of rings are these? They don't want to come off."

"Don't pull on them, Marcia, they need to have rest and quiet so that the ear will heal properly."

"What do you mean heal?" Again, I probably solved my own question before the last of the words were out, but she nonetheless, not knowing that I already knew, answered.

"They are rings that have pierced your earlobes. Wendi must have thought of that one later. She put them on you just before the opera- tion and now the piercing of the lobes of your ears has been com- pleted; they only need to heal."

All of these stimuli were almost too much for me to take. I did sort of relax, the relaxation of resignation. I quizzed the nurse more and found out that this had been planned from even before the marriage as a sort of revenge. The operation was reversible, but no doctor would touch the restoring until it had completely healed so that I could look forward to some time with my new breasts. She smiled quite warmly. She must have known that this was not the total disaster it might have been for a more virile "man's man." Actually I did not know quite how to take it. My mind was still in a quandry, still a bit fuzzy. She quickly solved the momentary dilemma by getting me something to eat. I ate and pondered what I could do. What was there?

The stay in the hospital was only a couple of days and every need was seen to. When I questioned the legality of the operation, the nurse pulled out from the drawer a xerox copy of several papers, the authorization for the operation, the request for the implant size, and so forth. All bore my signature. Instead of authorizing Wendi's opera- tion, I had actually spent the few minutes authorizing my own. There really was not much I could say.

Wendi never came. When it was time to leave, I discovered that since she had taken my clothes, all I had to wear home was what she had worn to the hospital. I was helped into these by one of her nurse friends. The new bra was really quite nice and the fact that I fitted.